Ursula Burns is an exemplary business woman who made a long Journey from a home town to being the CEO of a Fortune 500. Here are 5 quotes from her on leadership and their meaning.

“If you don’t transform, you’re stuck.”
You have to adapt to the market. Do not waist time being nostalgic because the world changes every day and new trends are coming as well. You must adapt to them and find a way to update your business. Make sure that you are always inventive and creative to keep your clients/ customers attracted to your business. Otherwise, you will be stuck in the past and your business will be part of the past as well.
“Think about your health, physically and mentally.”
Health is gold and you must take care of it. Work can be really stressful especially when you rule your own business. Make sure that you have time for yourself and to treat yourself. Even if it can be hard at the beginning, it is essential not to forget yourself. Have some “Me time” which will help you reconnect with yourself. Have a hobby or an activity outside your work which can help you to keep balance in your life.
“Your entire life to find balance. You should have balance, on average, over time, not in a day or in a month.”
This balance has to become a part of your routine and not just an exception in your life. The benefit of this balance is that you will be more efficient and performant in your work.
“Believe that there are no limitations, no barriers to your success - you will be empowered, and you will achieve.”
We often put limitations to ourselves and become our own obstacle. Only the sky must be your limit. Always stay positive and believe in your success. A way to do so is sometimes to surround yourself with positive quotes that you can read every morning. Quotes have a more important impact that you can imagine: a quote can help you being inspired and focus on your objectives.
You will feel stronger and will attain your goals.
“I didn’t learn to be quiet when I had an opinion. The reason they knew who I was is because I told them.”
Don’t be silent! Say what you have to say because people don’t know what is in your mind and the best way for things to happen the way you want them to be is for you to express yourself. You must speak up, to be outspoken. I know that sometimes we can be difficult to be outspoken if you are someone discrete in your everyday life. However, communication is what will help you in your success and the success in your business.