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Pan Africanism: Symbols of the movement

Hi everyone! It is today the last part on this series about Pan Africanism. As I spoke about the movement as a whole and then spoke about the different people who had or have an impact in the movement, I will now end this series on the different symbols which belongs to the movement. As usual, I will give you the links of my previous posts concerning the subjects and, of my resources. Feel free to tell me in the comment section what you think about it and, do no hesitate to tell me if you know another symbol which belongs to the movement.

The Flag

The colors of the flag are black, red and green. This flag is the main symbol of the movement as it represent all African people from all around the world. This is also the symbol of unity of africans no matter where they are in the world. The flag was created by Marcus Garvey who wanted the black community to have its own flag.

The color black stands for the black community, the color red for the blood. The blood was both the one of those who died to be free men and women and the same blood share by African people. The color green represents the very dense nature on the African continent the growth and, the natural fertility of the land.

Those colors are the "official" colors and can also be found on the African American flag which is simply the American flag with the black, red and green colors on it.

The gold Ankh

This Symbol was used in the ancient Egypt. It represents the life and was mostly represented in the hands of the ancient gods as they believed they had the power to give and take life. Nowadays, it is mostly represented as a design symbol which was used by the movement.

This is now the end of the series on Pan Africanism. I hope you enjoyed and maybe learned about it. Tell me what you think about it.

Thank you!


My previous posts about Pan Africanism


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